Dual Anon
August 7 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Starting Thursday-January 2nd at 5pm-The Fall River/New Bedford RCC is pleased to announce the start of the Dual Anon program
Dual Anon is for families and friends who have a loved one struggling with a dual disorder (addictions + mental health struggles)
“Dual Anon Family Groups exist to help family and friends of people who experience two no-fault diseases: chemical dependency and emotional or psychiatric illness. Families coping with these diseases often feel alone and uncertain. Often family members try to help in ways that end up making the situation worse; others give up; others don’t know what to do.
Dual Anon, through weekly meetings, provides a base of support and educational information. We share each other’s struggles and provide an atmosphere of care and understanding. We all know what it’s like to see our loved one fall apart and to wish we could hold him together with our two hands; then watch him fall apart anyway. We understand the chaos that addiction and emotional or psychiatric illness bring to families.” (Courtesy of dualanon.org)
For more information on the Dual Anon program, click here https://dualanon.org/
For more information on the Fall River/New Bedford Recovery Connection Center, click here https://www.southeastrlc.org/fall-river
We hope to “see” you soon via Zoom!