
Greater Fall River Resource Guide

The Greater Fall River Resource Guide provides access to over 400 local resources and is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole.

You can view/download our printed Resource Guide using the buttons below. For information on obtaining printed Resource Guides please contact Kerrie Gallant at [email protected]. You may also fill out the Resource Guide Request Form here.

If your organization would like to be listed in the Greater Fall River Resource Guide please fill out the UNFR Resource Guide Listing Form.

Quick Links | Resources

Click on any resource category below for more information.


Abuse | Child

Abuse | Domestic Violence

Abuse | Elder

Abuse | LGBTQ+

Basic Needs

Basic Needs | Emergency Food and Toiletries

Basic Needs | Gently Used Clothing

Basic Needs | Household Items

Basic Needs | SNAP/HIP/WIC

Community Food Pantry Information

Disability Services

Elder Services

Emergency Services

Employment and Job Training

Fall River Departments and State Officials

Families with Children

Families with Children | Child Abuse

Families with Children | Child Care

Families with Children | Children's Behavioral Health

Families with Children | Children's Counseling Services

Families with Children | Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Families with Children | Parenting Classes, Groups, and Programs

Families with Children | Schools and Education

Families with Children | Youth Programs

Healthcare and Insurance

Home Care and Hospice

Homeless and Housing Services

Homeless and Housing... | Emergency Shelters

Homeless and Housing... | Housing Services

Homeless and Housing... | Rent/Utilities Assistance

Homeless and Housing... | Transitional Housing

LGBTQ+ Support | Advocacy and Support

LGBTQ+ Support | Crisis

LGBTQ+ Support | Medical and Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health | Children's Counseling Services

Mental Health | Counseling and Support

Mental Health | Crisis Assistance

Mental Health | Suicide Prevention and Loss Support

Parks and Recreation

Pregnant and Pregnancy Prevention

Resource Navigation

Substance Abuse and Overdose Prevention

Substance Abuse... | Adolescent Treatment and Prevention

Substance Abuse... | Detox Facilities

Substance Abuse... | Inpatient Treatment

Substance Abuse... | Opioid Use Disorder

Substance Abuse... | Outpatient Treatment

Substance Abuse... | Residential Treatment Facilities

Translation Services


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Veteran's Services