Families Programs

Secure and Stable Families

Our goal is to strengthen families in need and prevent child abuse and neglect. By supporting families through resources, programs, and advocacy opportunities we’re helping to create stable families with access to the things they need.

For more Information about our programs

Fall River Office
(508) 324-7900
[email protected]

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Department of Children & Families (DCF) Area Board

    United Neighbors staff sits on this guiding board to support and advise the Fall River DCF Area Office.

  • UNFR's Emergency Food and Toiletry cupboard was created to fill the gaps for individuals that receive food from food pantries. The UNFR Emergency Food and Toiletry Cupboard provides food and personal hygience items to children and families involved with the Department of Social Services, as well as homeless, veteran, refugee, and other at-risk populations. The cupboard is available by appointment only with day, evening, and weekend hours available.

  • Fatherhood Engagement Leadership Team (FELT)

    United Neighbors staff are members of FELT which is a collaboration of DCF and area service providers to help guide and support fatherhood engagement work by DCF and community partners.

  • United Neighbors of Fall River staff facilities a twice monthly support group at the Family Resource Center. The group aims to create unity among grandparents raising grandchildren, and relatives, other than parents, raising kin, by providing support and information.

  • The United Neighbors' Home Project provides families and individuals in transition with free non-furniture, gently loved bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen items necessary to live with comfort and dignity.

  • Inter-Agency Fatherhood Work Group

    A statewide coalition developed to look at fatherhood engagement across the State agencies and to develop a strategy to promote equitable treatment for fathers in the system and in all community agencies and programs.

  • Listen to Your Art

    Listen to Your Art is based on the premise that Art may be explored, experienced and created by everyone without exception and without limitations. Virtual classes engage students in addressing social emotional learning needs, working on healthy self-esteem, empowerment, and self-advocacy skills, communication and self-expression while exploring various artistic mediums.

  • The Nurturing Fathers Program is an evidence - based, 15-week training course designed to teach parenting and nurturing skills to men. Each 1.5 hour class provides proven, effective skills for healthy family relationships and child development.