Grandfamilies and Kinship Families
United Neighbors of Fall River staff facilities a twice monthly support group at the Family Resource Center. The group aims to create unity among grandparents raising grandchildren, and relatives, other than parents, raising kin, by providing support and information.
To sign up for the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group please contact Jaimie Rose at 508-567-1735 or [email protected].
The Family Resource Center is located at 101 Rock Street, Fall River. To learn more about the Family Resource Center visit their website or call 508-677-3822.
Local Resources
Below you will find a sampling of resources from the Greater Fall River Resource Guide that are most applicable to Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. If you are looking for a resource not listed here you can view the entire resource guide here: or contact us at the office.
- Families with Children | Children's Behavioral Health
- Families with Children | Children's Counseling Services
- Families with Children | Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Families with Children | Parenting Classes, Groups, and Programs
- Families with Children | Schools and Education
- Families with Children | Youth Programs
- Healthcare and Insurance
- Recreation
For more Information about our programs
Fall River Office
(508) 324-7900
[email protected]
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
or by appointment
The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The purpose of this Commission is to be a resource to the Commonwealth on issues affecting grandparents raising grandchildren, and relatives, other than parents, raising kin.
To learn more about The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren visit their website here.
The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren created the below Tip Sheet Series to help answer some of your questions and direct you to the right place for information and support.
TIP SHEET #1 - For Grandparents Raising Grandchildren provides a summary of each of the other tipsheets.
TIP SHEET #2 - Choices in Custody provides an overview of the various arrangements, including guardianship and adoption.
TIP SHEET #3 - Legal Resources for Grandparents and Relative Caregivers provides a list of online and in-person resources.
TIP SHEET #4 - When the Department of Children and Families (DCF) is Involved explains custody issues when children are in DCF care.
TIP SHEET #5 - Financial Resources provides information on the available programs for relative caregivers.
TIP SHEET #6 - Support Services provides a list of resources available to grandparents raising grand-children who need support and access to resources.
TIP SHEET #7 - Talking to Grandchildren about their Parent’s Use of Alcohol or Drugs provides guidance on supporting children and self-care.
Kinship Navigator
Kinship Navigator is a program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that assists all kinship caregivers (grandparents and other relatives) with accessing services for themselves and the children they are raising.
For more information, please contact [email protected].us, or 844-924-4546, or visit www.mass/gov/kinship-navigator
PPAL Parent/Professional Advocacy League
PPAL is a statewide, grassroots family organization that advocates for improved access to mental health services for children, youth and their families. PPAL’s goals are to support families, nurture parent leaders and work for systems change. PPAL is the only Massachusetts organization whose work focuses solely on the interests of families whose children have mental health needs. Founded in 1991, PPAL continues to work on behalf of children, youth and families as a critical voice shaping policy and practice.
PPAL hosts a monthly virtual Grandparents Connections group on the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m. For more information contact: [email protected]
You can view and download PPAL's Who to Call in a Mental Health Crisis Tipsheet.
Additional PPAL Tipsheets, Newsletters, and more can be found here on their website.
Special Thanks
These resources have been gathered using funds provided by Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) Prevention with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Prevention Unit, State Opioid Response- Prevention in Early Childhood (SOR-PEC) grant.
For more information visit:
BSAS Prevention:
Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR):
SSTAR Prevention: